About Us
This is one of the greatest integrated scientific meetings to-date to be nationally launched. We believed it’s time to create a center of experience based on the power of sharing real life experience crossing all the barriers between the greatest universities in the country as well as other nearby countries. Uniting most experienced skilled medical human resources including senior staff members gathered from the greatest universities all over the country will assure the healthy and homogenous spread of knowledge.
Providing an optimum opportunity of sharing medical knowledge and experiences along the country. Providing a healthy organized environment for extended medical discussion and sharing difficult clinical scenarios. Presenting state of art lectures and about different medical topics will help updating knowledge in vast fields of medicine. Attempts to launch similar meetings in the future to intensify the power of integrated team work in order to build up a formulated clinical approach for difficult scenarios. Extracting the ultimate experience from most specialized medical personnel drawing the path for optimum clinical outcome.
With that integrated valuable gathering of the most experienced and skilled medical personnel and staff members along the country and by extensive discussions and focused state of art lectures, we aim at paving the way for continuous medical experience sharing and probably laying the corner stone of scientific future collaboration eliminating all the spatial barriers