Dr. John W. Ward is the founder of the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination of the Task Force for Global Health (www.globalhep.org). Ward is an advisor to WHO Geneva, WPRO, PAHO and the African Union Dr. Ward chairs the AASLD Task Force for Hepatitis Elimination. Over a 13-year tenure, Dr. Ward directed the US CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis with responsibilities for viral hepatitis surveillance, prevention, and research. At the national level, Dr. Ward developed recommendations for hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccination, hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, and authored the first national action plan to prevent viral hepatitis. Dr. Ward guided the launch of pioneer HCV elimination programs. Previously, Dr. Ward led US HIV/AIDS surveillance and served as Editor of the CDC MMWR and of Silent Victories, a history of public health in the 20th century. Dr Ward has authored over 150 scientific publications. Dr. Ward is a Professor in the Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta.